Poster prize

The 11th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs inaugurated the Patras Poster Prize, which was also awarded to the best poster presentations at the 12th Patras workshop in 2016. The committee for the Patras Poster Prize 2016 was composed by Axel Lindner (chair), Paola Arias and Chanda Prescod-Weinstein. The committee evaluated formal and scientific contents of the posters as well as the oral presentations of the participants.

Due to the high quality of the posters, the committee agreed to award a first prize (300 €) and two second prizes (150 € each).

The winner of the Patras Poster Prize 2016 (first place) was Samantha M. Lewis (University of California), for her excellent presentation “ Microwave resonators R&D in support of the ADMX-HF/Extreme Axion Experiment”. Tthe winners of the second places of the Patras Poster Prize 2016 were Younggeun Kim (KAIST) for his presentation "3He gas handling systen and RF discharge for optical pumping" and Young-Im Kim (IBS) for her presentation "Design and performance of a signal processing system for CULTASK experiment".
